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Health Checkup 20210120 what defines trauma, the cause-and-effect on our physiological Systems.

January 31, 2021

Health care checkup team is proud to announce the change of the letter T from tools to trauma for 2021. During the first of this year-long series, we will discuss what defines trauma, the cause-and-effect on our physiological Systems, Our mental status, and different resources we will be introducing to help deal with the many different traumas. We will have a musical therapist joining on this call to demonstrate how music is used in all aspects of healing from various traumas to improve recovery and outcomes. Home, Emergency, Attitude, Lifestyle, Tools, Health - Giving you the resources to be prepared and ready in all situations!

Questions or concerns? Email us at [email protected]. Disclaimer: The purpose of this group is for peer support only. It is not a therapy group nor will it be facilitated by a health care professional and does not purport to provide mental health services.

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